Saturday, July 26, 2008

Narrowing the Options

What is Clear in My Spirit:
That the Spirit of God is saying, "I want you to spend your life seeking to accelerate a church planting movement in the United States and beyond. Live strategically to accomplish that goal under the guidance and empowerment of My Spirit. I want you to invest in the young men who are going to lead the body of Christ in the next generation. I want you to help launch them in their ministries so that My glory and the glory of the cross will be spread among all peoples."

Stay tuned. I think we are getting close to a decision about what that actually looks like.


Anonymous said...

Marty - this is a friend from the past...Barry Norris. Please know I am praying for you and for the New Song. This just came to my attention.

May God lead you to be the missionary he needs you to whatever form he requires it.

Stay in Him brother.

Peter K. Nelson said...

Marty, this is really exciting! We're praying along with you for discernment and blessing in every way. -Peter (and Cheryl and family--hi to all the Schoenlebers!)

Anonymous said...

Three different songs that I love to listen to. I wrote down a few words from each. I hope they encourage you as much as they encourage me. Praying for you all and for peace of mind.
God bless you.
- cr
In the quiet
in the stillness
I know that you are God

When You call
I won't refuse

There is no one else but You
None but Jesus

All my desire
I give You, Lord
All of my hope
All of my strength
All my desire
I give you, Lord

This is my life
This is my song
I give it to You
No matter the cost.

This is my heart
That seeks after You
Please help me love
More like you do
This is my life
You have made me glad
And I'll say of the Lord
You are my shield
My stength
My portion
My shleter
Stong tower
My very present help
in time of need