Sunday, May 09, 2010

John MacArthur and Joel Osteen pastor the same style church

Read the link. Think about it. Make a comment.

1 comment:

Brother Greg said...

I would not have thought of ministry from the same aspect as you did in the article. I think that you make a good point; 'let the 'church' do ministry' and that is warped. My issue with the Willow Creek or Saddleback methodology is that it starts and ends with man. What pleases them? What do they want? What can we do to make the gospel 'better' (make the gospel better? I would not want to be in their shoes)? I seem to remember something I read in a particular book about the gospel (as it is written) being 'the power of God unto salvation' ..... ......... I say, ask first 'What pleases God', do that, and let Him build His church; He is better at it than the best laid plans of men.