Sunday, June 15, 2008

Protecting the Guilty

Just got a response that I'm not going to post. It was a good example of how people don't read or listen very carefully sometimes. My last post talked about what we believe God is calling us to as a family. The blog carefully stated the things that, Lord willing, we believe God is calling us to. This is always a dynamic process.

You yield your heart and your wishes and your desires and your dreams to God and then you probe your heart for sin and you ask God to purify your heart and the desire of your heart, you read his word, you listen some more and you begin to piece together what you sense God is saying. As a part of the process you, you seek counsel from godly counselors, you pray some more and you continue to wait on God for clarity.

Sometimes you get immediate confirmation and sometimes it comes at a slower pace. Some of my former students have played a part both in blog posts and in e-mails and notes in confirming some of the pieces of the puzzle. On Thursday I got an invitation from two old friends who are on the cutting edge of the worldwide church planting movement asking if I would speak at a conference in Thailand. But what was really affirming was that they said that for sometime, God had laid me on their minds and that they had been praying for me.

It is wonderful joy to know that others, unbeknown to you, have been moved by the Spirit of God to pray for you and for the decisions of your life. So my brothers and sisters who read this blog periodically, keep praying for me and that God will keep my heart open to any and everything that he might have in store for us.

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